Call for Sessions and Events
The UNESCO Chair invites interested parties from research, industry, or civil society to submit either proposals for breakout sessions or events (e.g., hackathons, workshops, be creative …) under one of the six thematic core areas of the conference.
Breakout session or event proposals will need to provide a clear overview of the proposed session or event under the headings outlined in the prescribed template:
- Title of breakout session or event proposal
- Short description, alignment with conference themes, objectives and expected outcomes
- Summary of discussion/focus and target audience
- Planned program for event proposals
Selection Criteria
The following criteria will guide the selection process of either a breakout session or an event proposal:
- Development focus: The integration of technology with poverty reduction, sustainable development, gender equality, integrity, and ethics.
- New thinking, findings, or approaches: The integration of current debates with new ideas and solutions, including lessons from failure.
- Innovation: How novel or innovative is the proposal, and how does it advance existing knowledge?
The Conference Organizers will cover the following expenses of the selected Session or Event Organizer (if applicable):
- Waiver of the conference registration fee;
- Accommodation from Sunday 1 May to Thursday 5 May 2016 with breakfast included (max. 4 nights booked and paid directly by the Conference Organizers).
- The selected Session or Event Organizer will be responsible for their own travel costs.
Që nga viti 2015 nxisim shpirtin sipërmarrës, inovacionin dhe rritjen personale duke ndikuar në zhvillimin e një mjedisi motivues dhe pozitiv tek lexuesit tanë. Kjo punë që e bëjmë me shumë dashuri nuk ka të paguar. Ne jemi platforma e vetme e cila promovon modelin pozitiv të sipërmarrjes së lirë. Përmes kësaj platforme mbështesim edukimin gjatë gjithë jetës si mjet për zhvillimin personal dhe profesional të brezave. Kontributi juaj do të na ndihmojë në vazhdimin e këtij misioni në gjithë trevat shqipfolëse.
Mund të kontribuoni KETU. Falemnderit.