To the attention of startups looking for angel investors
I would like to share some very good news with you. The TBAA – Business Angels Association of Turkey — will host Invest Horizon’s Investment Forum in Istanbul on 7 September 2015, with the Istanbul Technical University Technopark as the venue. This is a European Union-supported project and for the first time it is being held in Turkey, in co-operation with EBAN. More than 20 business angels from Turkey and other countries will listen to start-up pitches and will make investment offers to those entrepreneurs whose business ideas they are interested in.
Registration is totally free and a box lunch and coffee breaks will be provided. You will be coached in the morning on better pitching techniques. Among the coaches are Ferruh Gurtas, Intel’s Regional Director, Kenan Colpan, the CEO of the Istanbul Technical University Technopark, Recep Bildik, Director of the Private Market of Borsa Istanbul, Sertac Karaagaoglu, Group Director of Istanbul stock Exchange.
At least 20 applications for pitching will be accepted from start-ups. Please apply here:
Application deadline: 6 September.
Note to applicants from outside Turkey _: You are strongly advised to apply before August 31. You will be notified of the decision on your application by phone on 1 or 2 September so as to allow sufficient time to arrange flights and accommodation prior to the event. Start-ups in Turkey can apply until the end of the day on 6 September.
If you are looking for new opportunities and smart entrepreneurs for your portfolio, this is a great event for you. Please send me an email at [email protected] if you would like to listen to some of the latest business ideas.
10:00 – 12:00: Coaching session for start-ups and entrepreneurs (5 coaches)
12:00 – 14:00: Box lunch for all participants
14:00 – 16:00: Investment forum and start-up pitches (20 angel investors)
Place: Istanbul Technical University Technopark – Istinye Park Karsisi – Arı 3 Binası – ITU Ari Teknokent ITU Ayazaga Yerleskesi
Tel: +90 212 285 03 13
Working language: English
In case you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by responding this mail or at my personal email: [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you in Istanbul on 7 September at the Invest Horizon Investment Forum.
Që nga viti 2015 nxisim shpirtin sipërmarrës, inovacionin dhe rritjen personale duke ndikuar në zhvillimin e një mjedisi motivues dhe pozitiv tek lexuesit tanë. Kjo punë që e bëjmë me shumë dashuri nuk ka të paguar. Ne jemi platforma e vetme e cila promovon modelin pozitiv të sipërmarrjes së lirë. Përmes kësaj platforme mbështesim edukimin gjatë gjithë jetës si mjet për zhvillimin personal dhe profesional të brezave. Kontributi juaj do të na ndihmojë në vazhdimin e këtij misioni në gjithë trevat shqipfolëse.
Mund të kontribuoni KETU. Falemnderit.