Shqiperia pergatitet per “Expo Milano 2015″ - Business Magazine Albania

Shqiperia pergatitet per “Expo Milano 2015″

Strehimi anti-atomik duket se do te kthehet ne nje marke biznesi per turizem ne Shqiperia, ashtu siç e ka paralajmeruar edhe kryeministri Edi Rama. “Shqiperia drejt Expo Milano 2015” , – ka qene ky aktiviteti i organizuar diten e marte nga ambasada italiane ne qendren historike-artistike te quajtur “BUNK’ART”, ne sallen e amfiteatrit per te shpalosur mesazhet e panairit Nderkombetar qe do te zhvillohet ne maj 2015.

Ne aktivitetin e organizuar ishin te pranishem ministri i Bujqesise Edmond Panariti, ambasadori italian ne Shqiperi Massimo Gaiani, zv/ministrja e Zhvillimit Ekonomik, Tregtise dhe Sipermarrjes Brunilda Paskali, drejtori i projektit “Expo 2015″ Filippo Ciantia, komisarja e Pergjithshme ne Shqiperi per “Expo 2015″, Manjola Gjoni dhe Dario Cartabellotta, pergjegjes per produktet bio – Mesdhetare ne rajonin e Siçilise.

Pjesemarrja e Shqiperise ne kete event ka nje kuptim te vecante sepse ajo do te ndaje me te tjeret historine e saj,  bukurite e saj natyrore, kuzhinen e vecante tradicionale, folklorin apo traditat e saj tipike si bujarine.

Komisarja e Pergjithshme shqiptare per “Expo 2015″, Manjola Gjoni nenvizoi se “sfida jone me e madhe eshte sepse kjo eshte hera e pare qe Shqiperia merr pjese e vetefinancuar dhe kjo eshte pergjegjesi, ndersa sfida tjeter eshte qe ne te thithim investime ne arenen nderkombetare”.


Me poshte, shikoni shkrimin e botuar nga Expo Milano 2015 me dt. 25/11.2015

Albania gets ready for Expo Milano 2015, presenting its participation within the Bio-Mediterraneum Cluster

This morning, in Tirana, a workshop entitled “Albania gets ready for Expo Milano 2015 was held, marking Albania’s participation at the Universal Exposition within the Bio-Mediterraneum Cluster. As part of Bunk’art, the event was opened with a greeting by the Ambassador of Italy, Massimo Gaiani, and was attended by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Edmond Panariti; the Deputy Minister of Economics, Brunilda Paskali; the Commissioner General of Albania for Expo Milano 2015, Manjola Gjoni; the Project Director of the Expo 2015 Clusters, Filippo Ciantia; and the Head of Bio-Mediterranean Cluster for the Sicily Region, Dario Cartabellotta. The audience attending the workshop was able to see a series of installations that anticipated the theme statement of Albania entitled “Our food, our history, our mystery …” .

Food and hospitality in the Albanian tradition

Albania offers visitors the opportunity to know and experience its natural beauty and its cuisine: the result of Mediterranean, European and Balkan influences, but also the creativity of its regions, its history and its typical products. Traditional and folklore, in the sign of friendliness and hospitality that has always characterized the Albanian people. “We aim to uphold our food traditions that are deeply connected to our history. – Said the Commissioner General of Albania for Expo Milano 2015, Manjola Gjoni, – Ours is a country that has for centuries been a crossroads of cultures, both western and eastern, and for this reason we enjoy a variety of foods which have united Albanians, Muslims, Orthodox and Catholics alike all around at the same table. This example of religious coexistence is a value that we wish to promote at Expo Milano 2015”.

Albania in the Bio-Mediterraneum Cluster

“The Bio-Mediterraneum Cluster will be a shared space, a typical village whose many contributions will bring it to life during the six months of Expo Milano 2015, managed together with all countries that are part of it. – Explained Filippo Ciantia, – The Cluster is not based simply on a geographical aggregation but on the idea of the meeting of peoples, cultures and religions that have given life to a diet and a way of life, known throughout the world: the Mediterranean diet. “The common denominator of three continents, Europe, Africa and Asia, the Mediterranean Sea is a symbol of fusion, intersections and diversity. Food is just one of the elements that continually help to secure and spread the uniqueness of this area of the world, thanks to products like bread, oil, grapes. In the Cluster exhibition space, visitors can find these products and in the semi-covered central square, inspired by the typical squares of Mediterranean cities, can see cooking shows and food preparation.

Që nga viti 2015 nxisim shpirtin sipërmarrës, inovacionin dhe rritjen personale duke ndikuar në zhvillimin e një mjedisi motivues dhe pozitiv tek lexuesit tanë. Kjo punë që e bëjmë me shumë dashuri nuk ka të paguar. Ne jemi platforma e vetme e cila promovon modelin pozitiv të sipërmarrjes së lirë. Përmes kësaj platforme mbështesim edukimin gjatë gjithë jetës si mjet për zhvillimin personal dhe profesional të brezave. Kontributi juaj do të na ndihmojë në vazhdimin e këtij misioni në gjithë trevat shqipfolëse.

Mund të kontribuoni KETU. Falemnderit.

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