New Dates for "Growth Hacking" Bootcamp - Business Magazine Albania

New Dates for “Growth Hacking” Bootcamp

A 2-Day Growth Marketing Bootcamp on 2 & 3rd of May

Our 2-day course is our most popular one, and includes a deep-dive into the Growth Marketing process through the eyes of real, proven cases. This course is the most popular one, organised in Europe: Vienna, Lisbon, London, Athens etc.  The course is designed for early stage company founders and marketers with some prior experience.

Within the course, we focus on building a framework for running experiments to maximize a given set of KPIs. In addition, we take a hands-on review of acquisition, engagement, and retention channels and best practices.

More than that though, this course focus on being interactive; applying the curriculum to real cases of our audience and exchanging / discussing ideas that could be applied for a given case using a Growth framework.

The only Growth course that…

  • Uses real data from real cases and campaigns being running concurrently.
  • Walks through how to apply the process practically, avoiding theory and fluff wherever possible.
  • Focuses on being interactive and tailoring material to the audience, instead of following strict course materials.
  • Is consistently hosted in collaboration with renowned VCs and has attendees from top tech-companies like Amazon & Google.


We’ve designed a program that we believe is an ideal blend of fundamental theory and practical applications. We make great efforts to personalize our content to our audience and update it constantly to keep it up-to-speed with the latest industry trends and campaigns we’re concurrently running. The entire curriculum incorporates examples from real-cases, in-class interactive assignments, and tools that can help you maximize performance.

DAY 1:

Marketing & Product Essentials, Paid Advertising & Lead Magnets

Before diving into any kind of Acquisition, we’ll need to go through some essentials. On day 1, we’ll go over..

  • Product & Essentials – Explore some marketing essentials, as well as some key Product metrics & processes. We will go over a few key topics, including Competition Analysis, Persona design, Messaging, Strategy vs Tactics, Customer Economics, KPIs, and most importantly, building a Growth framework for prioritizing, testing, and optimising ideas.
  • Paid Advertising & Lead Magnets – Dive into Paid Advertising & what you need to have in place before starting it. We’ll explore some paid channels and their best practices whilst focusing on Funnel Design, Analytics, building & validating Personas, applying the Growth framework practically, and how Lead Magnets can help you literally change the game.
  • Organic Acquisition – Dive into how you can create a strategy of predictable and repetitive low-cost organic traffic to balance your acquisition costs

DAY 2:

Landing Pages, Virality & Referrals

Paid advertisement by itself rarely brings sustainable growth. On day 2, we’ll talk about..

  • Landing Pages & SEO – Explore processes and structures for maximizing website performance, landing pages, SEO to maximize the benefits from your paid ads and organic strategy.
  • Virality & Referrals – Discuss referrals, an element which can help you truly maximize your growth through virality
  • Your Own Cases – Open up the discussion and dive into your own cases, applying the course’s materials to your current project, and discussing tactics, experiments you can run, tips and best practices.

Your Hosts-Aggelos Mouzakitis (Growth Sandwich Founder)

We’ve built some of our own startups. We’ve failed, learned something, and done it all over again. In the past decade, we’ve had the chance to work with disrupting companies within the London startup scene, transferring those learnings to our Bootcamp sessions, which depend solely on our real cases that have been (and sometimes are concurrently) tested & validated.

For more

Growth Sandwich Web page:


200 euro (lunch and coffee breaks included)

For more information and registration click:

Applications close on Wed, April 20, 2019

Që nga viti 2015 nxisim shpirtin sipërmarrës, inovacionin dhe rritjen personale duke ndikuar në zhvillimin e një mjedisi motivues dhe pozitiv tek lexuesit tanë. Kjo punë që e bëjmë me shumë dashuri nuk ka të paguar. Ne jemi platforma e vetme e cila promovon modelin pozitiv të sipërmarrjes së lirë. Përmes kësaj platforme mbështesim edukimin gjatë gjithë jetës si mjet për zhvillimin personal dhe profesional të brezave. Kontributi juaj do të na ndihmojë në vazhdimin e këtij misioni në gjithë trevat shqipfolëse.

Mund të kontribuoni KETU. Falemnderit.

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